Montag, 2. Juni 2014

Words: Lake Consequence (1992)

What was your first feature?
It was a feature with Alec Baldwin in it, called Heaven's Prisoners. And there was actually a movie before that, that I kind of want to forget. It was for Zalman King's company, it was called Lake Consequence. And you know, God bless him, he gave a lot of young cinematographers a start in movies. They had asked me to do a movie maybe three months after starting to work all the time in commercials. And I was like, "Sure, I'll do a movie." I mean, I'd never been on a real set before, and I got to shoot a movie. But they wanted people who were doing stylized work, like beautiful beauty, you know, high end music videos, slick stuff, to work for them because what they did was pretty much this very soft, soft porn. David Duchovny did those shows.
So it was like a Roger Corman studio for the times.
Definitely, because all the DPs who I admired who were coming up, had just done one of those movies. Right. And you want to be good enough to never have to do another one. Certainly. And it's a great place to learn what not to do. But man, it was boot camp.

Source: "That '70s Look" - Interview by David Schwarz, Moving Image Source, March 2010

Lake Consequence (1992)

Director: Rafael Eisenman
Technical details: Laboratory:  FotoKem Laboratory, Burbank (CA), USA